Charlie Moore (aka charlie)
@charlie Active 11 hours, 57 minutes ago-
charlie replied to the topic Ransomes transfers in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 1 week, 5 days ago
Try the Hall & Duck Trust.
charlie replied to the topic Engine block rebore in the forum Help and information 2 weeks, 1 day ago
I would suggest you search google for engineering companies in your area that do engine machining such as rebore.
charlie replied to the topic Zenith 24T2 in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Float probably burst due to rapid expansion of the air inside due to heat of boling water.
charlie replied to the topic Monro Mk3 Rotavator in the forum Help and information 4 weeks ago
John, photos of the clutch lever on my series 2 machine showing it in both positions. As you can see there is plenty of slack when it is engaged. Note wear in clutch and lever will affect where point of engagement is and if it will lock in that position.
charlie replied to the topic Monro Mk3 Rotavator in the forum Help and information 4 weeks, 1 day ago
The clutch should lock in the disengaged position, ie pulled up. This is essential to enable safe starting as there is no other way to stop the tines, one of the bad points of the design. The levers and locking mechanism do wear with time and age.
charlie replied to the topic Bob Andrews Lawn Doctor Scarifier in the forum Turf Maintenance Machinery 1 month, 2 weeks ago
If you have the old belt any good belt supplier should be able to match it to a stock item. If you do not have the old belt it should be possible to obtain one of the correct size if youtake the machine to a belt supplier where they can measure pulleys etc to calculate size required.
charlie replied to the topic Howard rotavator in the forum Help and information 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Your Howard is a 400
charlie replied to the topic Allen Scythe date please in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 1 month, 3 weeks ago
The Museum ofEnglish Rural Life (MERL) at Reading have the factory records.
charlie replied to the topic Magneto Testing in the forum General talk and discussion 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Topic locked to keep things civil.
charlie replied to the topic Website in the forum General talk and discussion 2 months ago
No changes as far as I am aware or can see. I always use th e’view new content’ option on the menu.
charlie replied to the topic August 2024 issue The Cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 2 months ago
Latest issue is in post and should arrive soon if it has not already arrived.
Now available to download from The Cultivator page, (paid up members only). -
charlie replied to the topic Help with identifying Brass Machinery Tag in the forum General talk and discussion 2 months, 1 week ago
Could it be a tag off a sack of seed eg grass seed?
charlie started the topic August 2024 issue The Cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Artwork etc has now gone to printers, hopefully magazine will arrive through members letterboxes by 15th August.
charlie replied to the topic Ransomes lightweight mower clutch cable replacement in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Another source of control cable inner, outer, ferrules and nipples is motor cycle paerts suppliers. In the past I have used
charlie replied to the topic needing supporting evidence of year of manufacture for Murray lawn tractor in the forum Help and information 2 months, 4 weeks ago
The DVLA can be very difficult to deal with when tryingto register an older vehicle.
charlie replied to the topic Toro in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 2 months, 4 weeks ago
A simple google search gave this site
charlie replied to the topic Honda f90 -f100 in the forum Help and information 3 months ago
There is a good write up on the F190 in the 23rd Dec 1965 isue of Motor Cycle.
charlie replied to the topic Allen Scythe identification. in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 months ago
If you are trying to identify a machine you have why not post a photo on here and we will be able to identify it.
charlie replied to the topic needing supporting evidence of year of manufacture for Murray lawn tractor in the forum Help and information 3 months ago
I see the plate says made in Lawrenceburg TN, USA. Have you tried the USA rather than Murray Europe?
charlie replied to the topic Allen scythe removing the wheels in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 months ago
It is also worth using a penetrating fluid such as Plus Gas rather than WD40.
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