Terms & Privacy

For enthusiastic people like you, the VHGMC has been successfully running and growing since 1993 and takes pride in the website, forum and club and for it to be a safe and great place for everyone, we ask you to take a few minutes to read the Terms & Privacy detailed below.

The following terms are like the nuts, bolts and workings of a machine and have kept the VHGMC successfully and consistently running for over 25 years.

If you wish to join the VHGMC but do not wish to provide membership information online then you can opt to make a postal application using this form: Postal Membership Form We will require your name and address to send the club magazine.

Your Account

When you register, you must give a small amount of information, much of which is optional. You are in control of your account and may delete or amend your information through your VHGMC account when logged in.  You can access your account when logged in at http://vhgmc.co.uk/account/

You will require a valid email address and enter your real name to register an account and log in to your account. The reason is that we do not allow anonymous accounts or anonymous postings on the forum or website.


As is common practice the VHGMC website uses cookies. These cookies cannot identify you personally. These cookies allow us to provide website functionality as well as help us improve the use of the website through statistics. You can find out more about cookies, how you can delete them and how you can control them at https://www.aboutcookies.org/

The VHGMC does not share your details with any third party such as advertisers and unlike other vintage websites, the VHGMC website does not use pop-up or banner advertising.

You may find that members post links to other websites, for example to a recommended parts supplier. The VHGMC is unable to control cookies or data with other websites. The VHGMC advises members to check other websites privacy and data policies themselves.

Messages and Content

To protect all members the VHGMC does not allow the posting of any material which is vulgar, defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually-oriented, or violates any laws.

You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums. The VHGMC reserves the right to remove any content, images or upload if informed of any genuine copyright infringement. The VHGMC can be contacted here.

You also agree not to post or upload any images, photographs or text that you hold the copyright to which you would not wish to be shared by anyone or anywhere or by any means on or off the internet.

Obviously, all members remain solely responsible for the content of their messages, so any messages that you post are your responsibility. You also agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum and its agents with respect to any claim based upon any post you may make. We also reserve the right to reveal whatever information we know in the event of legal action arising from any message posted by yourself.

Although messages posted are not the responsibility of this forum and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of these messages, we reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. If you do find any posts are objectionable then please contact the VHGMC here

Personal Data

The VHGMC strongly advises all members against posting data such as physical location, telephone numbers, personal addresses or postcodes on the open forum.

If you wish to become a paid member then you will be required to consider providing some information such as for the NFU insurance and the postal of the club magazine. This information is used to fulfil your membership to the club. Payments are processed securely via Paypal.

If you do not wish to provide membership information online then you can opt to make a postal application using this form: Postal Membership Form

You are in control of your VHGMC account and may delete or amend your information through your VHGMC account when logged in at https://vhgmc.co.uk/account/

Access Request: Requests about how we keep the information and what we keep. All requests should be made to the membership secretary who must respond within 30 days to any requests for information and storage details. Should a club member wish to remove their data from our list then this should be completed without delay, but the member must realise that doing so will terminate their club membership from that time onwards.

The VHGMC does not operate a digital mailing list or undertake any email marketing.

Minimum Age

We have to have a minimum age limit for members to use the forum. Unfortunately, if you are below 18 then you can not use this forum. Do not register to use the forum if you are below the age of 18.


The VHGMC reserve the right to delete user accounts and data contained in a user’s account dashboard after 24 months of inactivity – this may not delete publicly visible information you have posted onto the website/forum.

The VHGMC can be contacted through the ‘Contact‘ tab at the top of this page or through the contact details in The Cultivator magazine.

Data (GDPR) For Paid Members

For Paid Members: The VHGMC club collects personal data from each member. This data consists of Title, Name, Address and Date of Birth (when provided). This is the minimum required to run a  club such as ours – obviously, we need your name and address to send you copies of The Cultivator every year and the Date of Birth is required by the NFU who provide the Public Liability Insurance that we all need to show our machines in public. Additional information e.g. email address and user ID are recorded when registration is made on the club website to enable management of the website membership.

Besides being in the possession of the Membership secretary, we have to share details with Lavenham press (done over a password protected data transfer link) and the Bickerstaffe Association of Vintage and Collectors Clubs (agents for the NFU insurance). We have received assurances from both of these bodies that they securely hold the information and do not share it with any third party.

The club magazine will contain advertisements from members and non-members with items for sale and details of events.

Member details may be shared with committee members for specific purposes eg to invite members to events or seek assistance with enquiries received.

Retention Policy. Members details are kept on file for five years before being discarded. This is a direct request from our insurers in case they have to act on a back-dated claim.

Access Request: Requests about how we keep the information and what we keep. All requests should be made to the membership secretary who must respond within 30 days to any requests for information and storage details. Should a club member wish to remove their data from our list then this should be completed without delay, but the member must realise that doing so will terminate their club membership from that time onwards. Membership secretary contact details can be found in each copy of The Cultivator magazine.

By registering to use this forum you meet the above criteria and agree to abide by all of the above rules, terms and privacy.