David Bliss
@davidbliss Active 1 day, 22 hours ago-
davidbliss replied to the topic Oxford Allen Scythe Villiers Mk25c in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 week ago
The air chisel is a very good idea, I still have a old CP9 with some tin weevil chisels thats ideal peeling spot welded tin off things, although powerful struggles at a 1/8 inch tinwork will throttle back and split a pencil line in thinner tin. With things on a taper a straight gentle pull may not work. A friend had a Alvis car wheel hub well…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Oxford Allen Scythe Villiers Mk25c in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 week ago
I have an idea I once welded a fine threaded nut on the existing nut end as was still captive in the flywheel, but you must use a very tough ended draw stud or you will damage the crankshaft, tighten and warm with a hot air gun and leave, do this several times before giving the draw bolt a sharp tap, small hammer only as many small taps better…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Unknown Garden Tractor in the forum Help and information 1 month ago
Looks a early engine, as it has the separate valve caps, twenties to early thirties. A bit odd seems to have a air filter snorkel and pipework, but carb not for having one, I had a similar thing with I think Villiers engine and Albion gearbox with reverse.It had a small plow and cultivator, as completely worn out apart from the gearbox that was…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic 1989 Hayter 21/osprey bearings needed in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 month, 1 week ago
Bolens used stock bearings but to gain a few £s they had the ODs taken down so a standard one wouldn’t fit without the housings altered. Bearings are usually all good, think in the 80s there was some Russian ones and for some reason we had a shortage and had what was available, they were so soft if heavily loaded stationary after fitting just…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic 1989 Hayter 21/osprey bearings needed in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 month, 1 week ago
If you could post the exact sizes I could look in my archive of old bearings, as many old bits of equipment ran those small bearings.
davidbliss replied to the topic 1989 Hayter 21/osprey bearings needed in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 month, 1 week ago
I have run two Bolens mowers now 43 years, and rebuilt the decks a few times, I went to replace the bearings and found they are a odd size, one firm said couldn’t I get the housings turned out to take a standard bearing, well they are not that strong to start with, so I tried Hayley’s Norwich, they have other branches. they said we keep them…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on. in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 2 months ago
They often keep to same BSP thread pitch for pipe fittings, however if you have a gauge it saves guessing. if its of US manufacture they use NPT thats only one thread per inch different, I get the odd motor cycle they often used cycle rate 26 tpi for there oil fittings thats not good into alloy being so fine. I often make my own taps and dies and…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on. in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 2 months, 1 week ago
As nobody tells me that can’t be done without certain machines, I just do it on clapped out old things some rescued from the scrap, spend hours making a press tool for a thing that would have cost pennies, but get satisfaction no one else have ever bothered, its often funny the crudest made tool can turn out a complicated to form the metal boys…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on. in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 2 months, 1 week ago
I have had some of those taps and were alloy not Die-cast metal that can be very difficult sometimes as with age and what metal mix its made from on that day or even hour so can get very bad internal corrosion and expands, had some new 1940s carbs still in there original greased packages just a myriad of cracks, warming the stork a few times might…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Can anyone identify this engine in the forum Help and information 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I’ve just looked again and can see the plug, and can see the oil filler plug and looks more or less plastic modern Briggs but the alloy case looks shaped older stile and not on any briggs i have seen.
davidbliss replied to the topic Can anyone identify this engine in the forum Help and information 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Is that a injector in the head.
davidbliss replied to the topic Engine block rebore in the forum Help and information 4 months, 1 week ago
If you have a problem see if you can find and ask a vintage motorcycle enthusiasts lads as motor cycles have much smaller bores than most Briggs engines, going back to when they started to use all alloy non sleeved engines was told they couldn’t be bored, but an old engineering friend used to do them without fuss and seem to remember them saying…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Zenith 24T2 in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 4 months, 3 weeks ago
When I dropped the carb into boiling water I should have known what was going to happen. When a float has a pin hole in and has sunk with petrol in thats how I get rid of it by firstly unsoldering the pin hole that all floats have then just warming it a few times will soon empty the petrol, with a cool float I then solder the pin hole up. This is…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Zenith 24T2 in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Just by accident one day found washing powder and boiling it in a saucepan, in several cases the brown sticky mess goes whitish and when dry even small airways can be blown out with an air line. However remove the float before putting into hot water, without thinking one day just dropped a part carb still with the float into boiling water, in only…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Zenith 24T2 in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 5 months, 1 week ago
I would have though the jet would be larger so would go from rich to weak, Think I have a good 24 T carb minus the adjustable bits as they fitted a teens to twenty’s bronze zenith, if you need spare bit could try and fing it.
davidbliss replied to the topic Dynastarter in the forum Help and information 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Now this is a dyno-starter called a USL, book said something like not to use to assist the motor, bet it would climb up any hill with that. Car was a Overland model 71 from 1913
davidbliss replied to the topic Dynastarter in the forum Help and information 6 months ago
A DC motor just change over the brush wires, done it on a two brush set ups on generators and quite a few old motors and often found wrong rotation for a engine so saving to have a crossed belt often just changed the rotation. A good way to check rotation is just using a 12v battery, even one of the high DC 400+ voltage motors or generators will…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic Magneto Testing in the forum General talk and discussion 6 months ago
I agree with side valve be careful and have it apart, things to lookout for on some mags is the spark gap protecter, if not removed will break a bit out of the insulation of the pickup ring and the odd carbon earthing brush so just ask but don’t touch any part if you are a bodger with poor tools it will only cost you lots. I would say multi metre…[Read more]
davidbliss replied to the topic needing supporting evidence of year of manufacture for Murray lawn tractor in the forum Help and information 7 months, 1 week ago
I wonder is it to get insurance to be on the road, going back fifty years we never taxed our farm tractors but had an exemption to say done less than 15 road miles a year so was easy back then. Had a reply to say Briggs & Stratton took over Murray to try them,it would be a miracle I would have thought but you never know.
davidbliss replied to the topic needing supporting evidence of year of manufacture for Murray lawn tractor in the forum Help and information 7 months, 1 week ago
I have posted info wanted on the US Bolens web site. several people have the Murray lawn tractors, this is the web site if it helps. https://www.mytractorforum.com/forums/bolens-forum.18/
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