andyfrost replied to the topic February cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 1 day, 7 hours ago
Dave , I sometimes consider getting one of these modern phone gadgets so that I can photo ongoing projects , and send in an article or two , but my fear is by the time I get the hang of it , my collecting days will be over.
Hope to see you at Stanfield if you’re coming.Andy.
andyfrost replied to the topic February cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 2 days, 8 hours ago
Arrived safe and well , you’re doing an A1 job Robert , nice wide range of articles.
andyfrost replied to the topic Oxford Allen Scythe Villiers Mk25c in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 6 days, 22 hours ago
David , you’re spot on , “shock” is almost always the best method of parting a taper , quite why Villiers went for their method often has me wondering. Perhaps the original poster will get back to us and confirm exactly what has happened.
andyfrost replied to the topic Oxford Allen Scythe Villiers Mk25c in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 week, 2 days ago
Dave , if you’re saying the nut turns freely(by that I mean continuously) , it is more than likely stripped thread in the nut itself , seldom if ever will it strip the crankshaft thread. I’ve had this happen before , and it boils down to how much time and money you are preparde to throw at it. I have managed to cut the flywheel off , but it takes…[Read more]
andyfrost replied to the topic Oxford Allen Scythe Villiers Mk25c in the forum Grass Cutting Machinery 1 week, 3 days ago
It’s a shame you didn’t post before trying to remove your flywheel , we could have helped with that. They are “self pulling” ,the nut will loosen , then go tight again , then use a CORRECT size socket and hammer to continue undoing the nut and it will pull the flywheel off , if you have one , an impact gun will do it in seconds but it sounds as…[Read more]
andyfrost replied to the topic Unknown Garden Tractor in the forum Help and information 1 month ago
To me they appear to be from two different machines , the plough is most certainly much later than 1920s/30s , which I’m sure the engine on your machine is. The cultivator I can’t say I recognise , the mounting brackets on your machine , look homemade to take these implements.
Out of sheer curiosity , have you checked the thread rate on any of the…[Read more] -
andyfrost replied to the topic Unknown Garden Tractor in the forum Help and information 1 month ago
What we’re all sure about is the very early engine , however I think a machine of that age would of had steel/cast wheels , the wheels on yours appear to be much later aircraft wheels , also the front weight/tray assy looks decidedly homemade.
Another clue that could help us would be a picture of the plough and cultivator.Andy.
andyfrost replied to the topic Unknown Garden Tractor in the forum Help and information 1 month ago
Yes David , the engine does seem to have the timing cover that resembles some of the early Raleigh motorcycle engines , that as you correctly say dates from mid 1920s to mid 30s , also a non original Villiers carb. I can’t help but think it’s a Bitsa , but appears to be a reasonably well thought out one.The engine to me is early , but the rest…[Read more]
andyfrost replied to the topic Unknown Garden Tractor in the forum Help and information 1 month ago
In over 50yrs of collecting , I can’t say I’ve ever seen one of these , all I can add it is a fourstroke engine and not twostroke. Let’s hope someone can identify what it is.
andyfrost replied to the topic shay roto gardener 120 rotorvator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 1 month, 1 week ago
They can be lapped in , believe it or not I still use VIM on carb needles , I don’t know if it’s still available.Any such paste is OK , but it MUST be very fine.
andyfrost replied to the topic shay roto gardener 120 rotorvator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 1 month, 1 week ago
There were different engines on these , usually either BUX or JAP , with a few different carbs , a picture of both your engine and the carb(close-up) and we may well be able to help.
andyfrost replied to the topic Opperman/Thorneycroft low loader. 1950 ish in the forum Help and information 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The simple solution is to put up on the well known auction site , that way you will find out what the current market is really like.
andyfrost replied to the topic 1966.howard mini gapper and drill in the forum General talk and discussion 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Looks nice , out of curiosity what was the original engine.
andyfrost replied to the topic December Magazine in the forum General talk and discussion 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Mine also arrived yesterday , a HUGE well done Robert.
andyfrost replied to the topic Help Idemtifying Rotavator in the forum Help and information 2 months, 1 week ago
Howard 700 , with Villiers 28b 353cc twostroke engine , it appears to be the slightly later model , hard to date without serial numbers , but certainle a late 1950s model.
andyfrost replied to the topic More Photos in the forum Help and information 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Definately Briggs and Stratton , 7-8hp with Flojet carb.
andyfrost replied to the topic Can anyone identify this engine in the forum Help and information 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m going for Briggs , but stand to be corrected.
andyfrost replied to the topic Can anyone identify this engine in the forum Help and information 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I wouldn’t have thought so David , it appears to be sidevalve , and sidevalve diesels are extremely uncommon.
andyfrost replied to the topic Can anyone identify this engine in the forum Help and information 2 months, 3 weeks ago
A few more pics would help.
andyfrost replied to the topic Clifford cultivator restoration – colour help! in the forum Projects 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Graham , you would be surprised what seals are still available , I did a back to front restoration on another Howard 700 over last winter , and got every seal I needed. You may well not get leather clad ones , but later equivilant are often available, which are better for rotor boxes anyway , as grit does not get impregnated in them
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