steve-d replied to the topic Colwood TypeA User/Workshop Manual in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 1 month, 1 week ago
Dear Roy
I have probably got 17 colwoods across the range and quite a bit of info on them I’ve been collecting them for many years I also have a register for them.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way.
Kind regards
Steve. -
steve-d replied to the topic kent meet and greet in the forum General talk and discussion 8 years, 4 months ago
Fingers crossed count me in to mate
steve-d replied to the topic Info on the Colwood 'RA' in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 9 years, 4 months ago
Afraid I’m having a few problems getting my system to work properly and post at present but if you pm me I will get back to you, if you have tried to make contact before I’ve been out of things a while due to family issues. Best steve
steve-d replied to the topic colwood power barrow in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Pete this is all that remains of my barrow, and yours makes it only the third one I know of in existence, and I’m very impressed that your s looks original, and if possible please could I have any dimensions, it’s attached to a colwood model B series 2 with a Villiers mk 10 engine. It is not the easiest to explain gearbox, but it’s a two speed…[Read more]
steve-d replied to the topic colwood power barrow in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Pete I would be very interested to see your colwood so I can add to the register, I also own a barrow attachment which I intend to restore over the winter, I also own 15 colwood machines in various states of repair.
Best steve. -
steve-d replied to the topic 25 Years of Old Lawn Mower Club in the forum General talk and discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
Unfortunately for me I could not make our club agm this year due to being at a wedding and for me I explained in my private message to you Geoff.also as for many people like myself work now takes my weekend up so can cause problems to get to meetings, and even the shows but that still means that the passion the conviction and hard work still goes…[Read more]
steve-d replied to the topic unknown push hoe in the forum Help and information 9 years, 10 months ago
Thanks again Steve
steve-d replied to the topic unknown push hoe in the forum Help and information 9 years, 10 months ago
Hi steve
Very many thanks for the information you always come up trumps, do you know a rough sort of period they might have been produced?
Steve -
steve-d started the topic unknown push hoe in the forum Help and information 9 years, 11 months ago
Hi all I have been given this unknown push hoe today and wondered if anyone could shed any light on who made it and rough sort of age.
Steve. -
steve-d replied to the topic Anzani Motor Hoe in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 9 years, 11 months ago
Sorry for delay what with work and all I will try and get in garage to get a nice shot of plate for you
steve-d replied to the topic Pathe news reel- Machinery demonstration 1949 in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 years ago
what a fab film very impressed as I saw the colwood with the rotary disc mower on the front and ive only ever seen pictures of this.
grrrrrrreat. -
steve-d replied to the topic Anzani Motor Hoe in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 years ago
hi I will see if I can get a picture up of mine for you but I do know that titch of machinery decals does a reproduction of the j a p plate and they look really great as this is what I have on my one.
steve -
steve-d replied to the topic my entry to forthcoming shows in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years ago
Sorry to hear that mate hope all goes well for you both, be thinking of you.
Steve -
steve-d started the topic whitwood seeder in the forum Garden implements 10 years, 4 months ago
Took my seeder to Holme yesterday and what was on the display next to me another one. You don’t see any for ages and hey presto, here they are together, mine has the wooden handles.
steve-d replied to the topic colwoods at Holme 1940 day nr Peterborough in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 years, 4 months ago
Forgot to say we also took pauls ladybird mower.
steve-d started the topic colwoods at Holme 1940 day nr Peterborough in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 years, 4 months ago
Yesterday myself Mr mackellow and my son Adam travelled up to this super event, the whole village was closed and it looked like d day had come again you walked around the corner and there were German tanks and gun emplacement s, would recommend a visit.
Anyway paul and I took the 1945 colwood model A which will be changing hands once I have…[Read more] -
steve-d replied to the topic sussex meet and greet in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
It is indeed Mr haggle and very nice surrounding s,
steve-d started the topic sussex meet and greet in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
October 26th is the autumnal meet and greet in Sussex at the lavender line at Isfield east Sussex already a few members confirmed as coming and usually a pleasant day out so if you can’t make the Kent meet also let paul mackellow know if your interested in coming.
steve-d started the topic Kent autumn meet and greet in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
Hi all there will be a small gathering at Millbrook highgrove garden centre next sunday October 12th kick off 10am on Staplehurst road Marden, all welcome if you’re about.
Any more details send paul mackellow a pm. -
steve-d replied to the topic I'm back… in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years, 5 months ago
Yes good to see you back Andrew.glad your settled now.
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