kevm started the topic Magneto overhaul in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Where can I get a Wico type A overhauled, it’s on my Howard gem.
Used to be a few small one man bands doing magnetos but they all seem to have got old and retired. -
kevm replied to the topic Howard Gem Series V in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 9 months ago
Tyres should be pointing forward same as a tractor, if you hit a big stone the rotor will jump up but it won’t push the machine forward – it’s too heavy.
Even if it does that is far better than breaking something and why are you rotavating big stones.
Get an ultrasonic cleaner, you can get cheap ones on ebay for £30 or £80 – 120 for a good q…[Read more] -
kevm replied to the topic Holes in petrol tank in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 months, 1 week ago
Soldering is best but you have to get it really clean first then once the holes are covered/filled coat the inside with POR15 I have used it many times on all sorts of fuel tanks and it is brilliant stuff.
You could clean it up, fill the holes with filler of your choice then POR15 inside. -
kevm replied to the topic Allen Scythe access to clutch in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 years, 2 months ago
You don’t need to remove the wheel and getting the gib key out could be a whole lot of unnecessary hassle.
Just remove the guard and clean up the clutch mechanism there is not a lot that can go wrong with the actual dog clutch inside the gearbox. -
kevm replied to the topic Allen scythe access to magneto in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 years, 2 months ago
To get the flywheel off you just undo the centre bolt and keep undoing it – pop.
Don’t break the flywheel fins. -
kevm replied to the topic Howard super gem in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 years, 2 months ago
I am near Inverurie, got a Gem with a JAP engine and a 350 with a Kohler, both good machines.
kevm started the topic Handlebar grips in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 3 years, 7 months ago
I have some cheap chinese rubber grips on the handlebars of my GEM but they are starting to degrade and every time I use it I get horrible black sticky on my hands.
Handlebars are about 28mm dia. and finding it difficult to get decent plastic grips, I would prefer plastic as less chance they will degrade in a few years.
Any one know where I can…[Read more]