eclipseandy changed their profile picture 4 years, 4 months ago
eclipseandy started the topic Steam Powered Ransome Crawler in the forum General talk and discussion 4 years, 4 months ago
I’ve just joined the group and was browsing back through the June copy of the Cultivator and noticed a picture from Derek Bright of a steam powered crawler. I was then reminded of a machine I saw some years ago at a steam fair in Godshill on the outskirts of the New Forest. I have shared it here but I’m sure this looks like the same machine. The…[Read more]
eclipseandy replied to the topic Ransomes MG5 info in the forum Projects 4 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Neil, all very helpful… My son has taken the head off over the weekend and we appear to have a crack in the main block, not the best of news. I’m sure we’ll be in touch.. Thanks again Andy
eclipseandy started the topic Ransomes MG5 info in the forum Projects 4 years, 4 months ago
Hi All, I have just purchased an MG5 and we are trying to establish its age. There is a lot of work to do to get it running again. Our suspicion is its a late model. The makers plates on the rear are almost completely destroyed by rust and offer little clues. The only thing we can see is the number stamped on the engine block MGE1827, although…[Read more]