trojan replied to the topic Hako tractor with JLO 2 stoke diesel engine in the forum Help and information 3 years, 1 month ago
Hi Skookum,
many thanks indeed for this information, I’ve not translated it all yet but it’s certainly going to be helpful
again, thanks
trojan replied to the topic Hako tractor with JLO 2 stoke diesel engine in the forum Help and information 3 years, 1 month ago
here is a (bad, apologies in advance) photo of the JLO engine, the engine itself is interesting The engine is a single cylinder 2 stroke, air cooled diesel, Type DL425 8,00hp at 3000 rpm, Engine number 2051019? The number cast into the alloy cylinder head is 425 07 101 – 10 A, it has an electric start, with a glow plug to aid starting. It has an i…[Read more]
trojan replied to the topic December issue of The Cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 3 years, 2 months ago
very interesting article about E10, I’ve a couple of single cylinder petrol engines, one driving a compressor and one a generator, until rercently they have both started first or second pull and then ran without problems. The last couple of times I’ve gone to start them, they only started after a struggle and then ran roughly. I’ll be honest I…[Read more]
trojan replied to the topic Hako tractor with JLO 2 stoke diesel engine in the forum Help and information 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi, unfortunately my tracor is currently in bits being restored but here is a photo from the internet of the model I have if it helps
best regards
Trojan -
trojan started the topic Hako tractor with JLO 2 stoke diesel engine in the forum Help and information 3 years, 4 months ago
Don’t suppose anyone has any information on a Hako tractor (Chassis number 90-00149-6 H) fitted with a JLO 2 stroke diesel engine, I can but ask?
Looking for anything that will help me with dating the tractor, any instruction books for the tractor itself or the engine – even in German.
The one that I have is complete (I think) was up and…[Read more] -
trojan became a registered member 8 years, 9 months ago