Stan robins
@stan Active 3 years, 1 month ago-
stan started the topic Bonser Wheel Guard in the forum Projects 3 years, 1 month ago
Hi , Just finished restoring my Bonser , but don’t have a front wheel guard .
Just wondered if anybody knew of one for sale ,it would finish it off nicely .
Cheers Stan -
stan started the topic Bonser exhaust in the forum General talk and discussion 3 years, 7 months ago
I have a Bonser 1 ton truck with Kohler 14hp engine , and need an exhaust pipe (old one is beyond repair). Anyone got any ideas ?
stan replied to the topic Bonser Truck in the forum Help and information 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for that Charlie
stan replied to the topic Bonser Truck in the forum Help and information 5 years, 11 months ago
Does anybody know which type of tyre should be fitted to the front of a Bonser truck. I’ve seen some with 3 rib tyres and others with car tyres . Also any idea of where to buy them ?
stan posted an update 5 years, 12 months ago
@frankie-flintstone I’m near Dorchester . I’ll give the face book page a go.
stan posted an update 5 years, 12 months ago
@frankie-flintstone Tried logging on to Autotruck website but it wouldn’t let me . is there a problem with it ? That really is some good information you gave me on the Bonser Truck , how on earth did you know all of that ?
stan posted an update 5 years, 12 months ago
@frankie-flintstone Many thanks for that . Any idea where I might get a front wheel guard or at least the details of what it should be, so I could make one.
stan replied to the topic Bonser Truck in the forum Help and information 6 years ago
Thanks for that .I’ve rubbed down the chassis , but can’t really tell the original paint.There are four different colours , the most recent are orange and yellow , the older colours are green and blue but I can’t see which one was first.
Did they come out of the factory a particular colour or could the customer choose ? -
stan started the topic Bonser Truck in the forum Help and information 6 years ago
I have a Bonser Truck which I am currently restoring and wondered if anyone knows what colour it should be painted to keep it original.
It is a Model D serial number 660110. -
stan posted an update 6 years ago
I have a Bonser Truck which I am currently restoring and wondered if anybody knows what colour it should be painted to keep it original.
It is a Model D serial number 660110 -
stan became a registered member 6 years ago