• rotcart posted an update 2 years, 10 months ago

    Good afternoon
    I put a request for help in finding a spark plug for a Howard yeoman rotavator yesterday I did not mention it is powered by a villiers type 40 engine had a lodge HLS spark plug fitted
    Thanks to Charlie for suggestion but have already tried green spark plugs

  • Good after noon folks
    I am trying to get hold of a lodge long reach 18mm HLS spark plug
    It’s for a Howard yeoman rotavator in fact it is the proteer type
    Can any one point me in the right direction where I might be able to purchase one
    Regards Peter

  • rotcart posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Have located a replacement wheel bearing for my hayterette 1976(purchased new by myself)
    It is a 1/4 inch ball bearing caged retained bike bearing
    Having known mr hayter I should not have been surprised that he sourced parts that did the job
    In my option a great inventive engineer

  • Good morning folks
    Having trailed the Internet i have located 5 sources of the worm gear unfortunately they all guoted a very similar part number which I cannot tire up to the part numbers quoted to identifying Mountfield cultivator parts
    The numbers quoted by the suppliers are Oem worm gear parts number as 1812-0862-91 or prefixed with a S or…[Read more]

  • Good afternoon folks
    I have just started to renovate my mountfield m1 cultivator purchased new in August 1976
    The 5horse power briggs&stratton has been completely rebuilt and sounds great
    The trouble I have is the bronze drive worm gear is damaged as a result of the trust bearing and washers failing
    I have located replacement trust bearings and…[Read more]

  • Thank you all for the help wristpin is right that my machine has the 3piece cup race fitting
    I will try the contact that has been suggested
    Thanks and save safe

  • Good afternoon folks I recently joined the club after searching to fix a problem with my mountfield cultivator and was pointed in the right direction to find some of the spares I neede by the site
    I am now bring back to life my 1976 hayterette professional 19inch rough cut mower purchased new in August 1976
    The 5hp briggs&stratton has been…[Read more]

  • rotcart became a registered member 3 years, 3 months ago