Hayterette rough cut mower

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  • #37880

    Good afternoon folks I recently joined the club after searching to fix a problem with my mountfield cultivator and was pointed in the right direction to find some of the spares I neede by the site
    I am now bring back to life my 1976 hayterette professional 19inch rough cut mower purchased new in August 1976
    The 5hp briggs&stratton has been completely rebuilt and runs like a dream
    The cutting disc and blabesv have been replaced and cut the grass to a treat

    The problem I have is finding a replacement wheel bearing
    Can anyone point me in the fight direction


    I have used “Shoulder of Shoreham” a couple of times, although they will probably want to sell you the whole wheel and not just the bearing – but there are plenty of bearing sales places if you google it – your bearing will probably be imperial rather than metric.

    After a complete rebuild a wheel bearing should be a doddle!!

    Best of luck
    John E-W


    The early ones had a three piece bearing, cup, race and cone, on each side of the wheel. They became difficult to find many years ago. May be worth trying Jon Cruse at the Hailsham Mower Centre. The later ones had a pressed in capsule one piece bearing on each side of the wheel. The later ones were used in the front wheels of the Harrier 48 etc and as far as I know are still available as a Hayter spare. I seem to remember that they were ā€œ impossibleā€ to match with a pattern part but things may have changed. You can still buy the complete wheel and bearing assembly as an original Hayter part ; last time I did so, about Ā£10 a corner. Central Spares do?/ did? A ā€œnear asā€ wheel assembly at around the same price – may still do.


    Thank you all for the help wristpin is right that my machine has the 3piece cup race fitting
    I will try the contact that has been suggested
    Thanks and save safe

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