leakyrabbit started the topic Ploughing guidelines with a MG5 and TS42A in the forum Help and information 1 year, 11 months ago
Well it’s been along time coming and has caused many moments of indecision but I have finally decided to take my MG5 and TS42A to a ploughing match. The Anzani is upset over this but you have to try these things.
I have never used a trailer plough, let alone a crawler before and so would welcome any guidelines anyone can give me including any p…[Read more]
leakyrabbit changed their profile picture 2 years, 3 months ago
leakyrabbit replied to the topic Farmall cub in the forum Ride-on machines 2 years, 3 months ago
Well here we are over a year since that last post and just to say that I did not buy the Farmall but went and purchased an MG5 and TS42A. I thought this would be the answer to my dreams and would be living the easy life when competing, what a poor deluded fool I am.
Spent sometime on it and found it too uncomfortable plus I felt divorced from the…[Read more]
leakyrabbit started the topic Douglas engine on a Trusty Plough in the forum Help and information 2 years, 3 months ago
I have at long last decided to bite the bullet and attempt to restore my old Trusty having favoured using an Anzani Ironhorse.
Its not really appealed to me in the past due to having a very thirsty Douglas engine and recently had thought of changing the engine but its a question of what for and how to find another unit (answers on a post…[Read more]
leakyrabbit started the topic TS42 ploughing guide in the forum Help and information 2 years, 6 months ago
Is there a definitive guide to ploughing with a mg5 and ts42 as it is my first foray into trailer ploughing and am looking for help.
I fully understand the level and depth wheel but it’s the setting up of the drawbar and such like and closing that has me concerned. -
leakyrabbit started the topic Ransome TS42A Mouldboard in the forum Help and information 2 years, 6 months ago
I am looking for a mouldboard for a TS 42 and wondered if anyone can tell me the model number and a good place to get them?
leakyrabbit started the topic Ransomes MG5 dealerships in the forum Help and information 2 years, 8 months ago
I am currently researching the past history of a MG5 which and wondered whether anyone knows who would have had a dealership in Kent?
I wasn’t looking to buy originally but it looks as if it may have belonged to my Grandfather.
leakyrabbit replied to the topic Farmall cub in the forum Ride-on machines 3 years, 7 months ago
It’s ok there is nothing to apologise about as it has been offered to me to buy and I’m trying to find a suitable class. When I first started out in the class, in fact my first ever match, I used my 2D vineyard with adapted front axle to get the correct spacing. Within a season I felt that this was not right and it was difficult not to leave too…[Read more]
leakyrabbit started the topic Farmall cub in the forum Ride-on machines 3 years, 7 months ago
Can anyone tell me whether a Farmall cub qualifies for the horticultural ploughing class with the correct plough. -
leakyrabbit started the topic Ransome’s TS42 size in the forum Help and information 4 years ago
Can anybody tell me the length of a TS42 with the draw bar removed. I’m trying to work out if I can get one in the back of a van with an 8’ bed.
leakyrabbit replied to the topic dating agency in the forum General talk and discussion 5 years, 11 months ago
Blimey, she must have some stamina as I have had the same email as everyone else.. Don’t think I’ll reply though as I need to polish my Anzani!
leakyrabbit changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago
leakyrabbit changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago
leakyrabbit replied to the topic Biddenden tractorfest 2018 25yrs of vhgmc in the forum General talk and discussion 6 years, 5 months ago
I was booked in to be there with my 2d vineyard but ended up preparing a Fordson N to take the bride to her wedding. However, I noticed there were at least two other David Browns there, perhaps they can be grouped together next year..
leakyrabbit became a registered member 7 years, 3 months ago