Spring workout for the Wizard and the Howard 200.

Home Forums The Machinery Forums Pedestrian operated machines Spring workout for the Wizard and the Howard 200.

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    Took advantage of today’s lovely weather and rotovated the allotment. The soil was a little claggy but not too bad.
    The Wizard with its 5.5hp Villiers (Chinese Honda copy) made light work of the conditions and left a well turned over surface.

    Thought I’d try a back to back comparison though and dragged the Howard out to go over it again. Its 4hp Kohler also coped well but, the tines kept getting clogged up under the cover whereas, the Wizard just threw the lumps off.

    The clear winner was therefore the Wizard. The Howard is clearly better suited to drier soils and for shallow tilling.

    Horses for courses as they say !


    I ploughed my plot a couple of weeks ago with the Barford Atom 30 a week later ran the Trusty Earthquake over it and yesterday gave it a final go with the Simar 56. Actual got a cheer from neighbour, when I finished, can’t think why!!! Ground was still a bit wet but with the season we have had a case of getting in before more rain. Even got some spuds planted.


    Looks like friday was the start for lot,s of us . I got my howard out and made a half decent job on one of my allotments. Patricks day was usually my spud planting date not a chance for a few years now??Looks like we need a new rule book…


    Good Friday was always the traditional spud planting day, cat in hells chance this year!!!
    The other old idea was to pull down your breeches and sit on the ground, if it was too cold for your cheeks, it was too cold for the spuds!.

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