Gaskets, head and general (it’s that Howard 350 again).

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    So starting was not to be. The exhaust valve was stuck open, and I had to get the head off. A slight tap using a brass drift dead centre moved it, it’s still sticky but I have applied some more oil and will work it a bit ’till it’s free.

    Anyway, yes, I’ve ordered a new head gasket. No chance or re-using the old one, I suppose? It’s not solid copper, seems to be some sort of metal, dimpled, each side of some “stuff”.

    I also need a couple of other gaskets, and I’m not really interested in spending £40-odd on a set, so what to make them from? Thickness not particularly important, carb gaskets, “square 8” shaped breather assembly gaskets. What to use? Flexoid? Neutral cure silicone sealant? Something else?


    Proper gasket material, no stuff in a tube – neutral or otherwise!


    No, I don’t like it either, but I’ve used it before by making it into sheets (glass/clingfilm/silicone sandwitch, separated/spaced by washers) which at least mekes it into gasket and not stuff that bungs up oilways.

    I’ll look out for some Flexoid. I might have some steam gasget at another place but I’ll have to go looking.

    Again FWIW and for the record: gasket material is 1mm thick measured by vernier calipers.


    Gasket paper is easy enough to buy on line , in fact my local motor factor stocks it.


    Several years ago I bought an assorted pack of A4 sheets of gasket material ranging from cork, through various thicknesses of different materials – Klinger Statite, Interface, Tesnit, Flexoid & Klingersil etc. Great to have to hand when the need arises – usually at a weekend when the shops are shut, not that there any places left around here that sell engineering supplies etc.
    If needs must, don’t forget the breakfast cereal box, won’t do a head gasket but is a get out of trouble for less critical applications !!


    My local motorfactors don’t sell gasket paper any longer; I’ve tried everywhere and they all say that there’s no call for it any more!

    I now have two rolls of it under the bench courtesy of Agriline Ltd who stock two different thicknesses of gasket paper and also cork gasket sheet as well. A useful company if all else fails locally.


    While we are on the subject of gaskets, it’s as well to consider that as well as their sealing function they may perform a “spacing function”, as in setting the amount of pre-load on a bearing or shaft. Substituting “stuff from a tube” for a crankcase or gearbox cover, may result in the loss of required end float and a tight engine or gearbox.
    Then there is their use to insulate, such as to reduce heat transfer. For example ,anyone who worked on Aspera vertical shaft engines in the 50s/60s will remember those thick gaskets between the cylinder block and the long right angle inlet manifold – the one that worked loose and attributed to difficult starting!


    Well, I’ve developed an allotment, and rotavated it. Excellent.

    Looking at the stuff that came from North Cornwall, there are various attachments. Not at all sure they’re for Howard 350s.

    Any ideas what these are?

    THere seems to be some sort of ridger, a plough, and a couple of metal frames, quite rusty but very solid, which may have a trace of green paint on them. I suspect these are “old”.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by rjy.

    The ridger looks home made and not Howard 350 none of the others also not Howard 350 in my opinion


    I don’t think they are Howard, either, but I don’t know what they are! I could use a ridger (“furrower”).


    I don’t think they are Howard, either, but I don’t know what they are! I could use a ridger (“furrower”).


    The tool frame I’m sure is AutoCulto , ridger I would say home made , the plough body is very similar to a Colwood , not sure about the fitting though

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