Fiat/Tecumseh & Bernard/Renault

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    Just for reference really, but today, I noticed the inclusion of the Fiat name and logo on a Tecumseh engine decal which was made in Italy by Tecnamotor – it actually says ‘A Tecumseh-Fiat Enterprise’. I assume this was the 1970/80s. I never knew there was a link between Fiat and Tecumseh. Does anybody know anymore?

    Likewise, the Renault logo appears on 70/80s French Bernard mower brochures.

    It is interesting which companies have associations.

    I’ve added a couple of pictures.


    Yes, Tecnamotor was the name given to the Tecumseh Fiat cooperative but when Tecumseh pulled the plug on engine production, the UK operation that had started as Aspera Motors in the 60s, traded as Tecumseh UK. It is perhaps not widely known in the UK that the other side of Tecumseh’s business was, and still is, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Kohler is another company mainly known in the UK as an engine manufacturer but are also big in bathroom and sanitary ware. An in house derogatory joke amongst some staff at Briggs and Stratton was that they P****d on Kohler daily.


    Do you have any of their products?

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