Dating an Allen Scythe S.N. R51226

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    Hi all.. A new member so please excuse if i ask stupid questions 🙂

    I was hoping to date my Allen Scythe and saw on the old forums a post from a member that had a list.
    I believe its a model T with a 25c Villiers engine. Ive had to fit a new coil, treated it to an old Champion spark plug but other than setting the timing and giving the carb a good clean it seems to run o.k.
    Im going to try cutting on the weekend..

    P.S. The eagle eyed may notice my Westwood t1600 (1985 i think) re-built and often used to cut a paddock.. The oldies are the best

    Thanks for any advice.



    Contact the Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) in Reading. They have the John Allen & Sons records. They were able to date mine for me and tell me who it was originally sold to.
    From searching the museum online database, it looks like your serial number falls in the 1950-51 build year (

    Hope this helps.



    Thanks Sean.

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