briigs engine series 131232 9224-01 governor sping

Home Forums The Machinery Forums Pedestrian operated machines briigs engine series 131232 9224-01 governor sping

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    i have been on here a few months ago but ill health has stopped me doing any work on my engine, the problem is i had to fit a new carb and did not notice where the springs to operate the governor and the throttle cable. i have contacted several briggs dealers about which springs are needed and where they fit. i am now 76 and was previously in the motor trade, building race engines among other things, so i know my way around a parts and workshop manual, although i am suffering a bit of dimenture. i have never seen such a crap workshop manual as the briggs one i got, a repair manual is suppose to show you exactly how each part connects to the next but the picture of springs and the governor arm are floating in space. also can anyone tell me why it was necessary for briggs to make at least 200 engine designs, its mental, seriously considering dumping the engine and putting a none briggs engine in it, i have been messing about with this for 7 month now.
    can anyone tell me what springs i need and maybe a pencil sketch showing how many springs connect the throttle cable to the carb and governor


    You’ve given the model and type numbers – fine, but pls add the final code number which will date the engine. Trouble is that there are so many variations which can be difficult to follow in the manuals. The code number may help.
    Also, if you are able to post an image showing the carburettor and fuel tank assembly it may help with identification. What machine is it powering?


    the rest of the numbers are 82012707


    OK , so January 1982. Any chance of an image or two ?


    Unable to link type 9224-02 with model 131232, please check.


    hi, my arthritis is causing me to mis type, the number is 0224-01.
    i dont know how to send photos nave to get my prtnrt to do it on friday as we are away till then


    hi i must have missed typed m it a zero at the front, not a 9


    here are 2 photos, one is the throttle mechanism that is controlled by the hand lever, as can be seen there are some holes in where some sort of spring connects this to the governor or/and the carb linkage, which you can see in the photo of the governor lever.
    with my dementure i cant remember what was on it 7 months ago when i put a new carb on it, i have a feeling there was only one spring that connected the throttle arm to the governor. i am at my wits end with this and would be grateful for any help.

    sorry got confused and put a tree on by mistake and cant see how to delete it

    regards richard


    Unfortunately the first image is rather out of focus and it’s not easy to see what’s what. The second two are duplicates and not helping much.
    Can we have a general view of the tank and carburettor showing as much linkage as possible – not too much of a close up so that we can see the relative positions of the linkages.
    Where abouts are you located; it’s possible that a club member may be able to assist.


    i will take another photo i have to take the photos like this as when the fuel tank is in position and the linkage connected there is no space between the engine and fuel tank to get a photo of anything decernable.
    i live in newton stewart S W Scotland DG8 6LS but i doubt anyone can help me with out knowledge of this particular model.

    the workshop manual is rubbish, it does not show how the various elements of the throttle and governor linkage connect to each other, not are there any words describing anything


    Take a pic with the tank in position – and the throttle cable so that we can see whether it’s connected at carb level or down at the lower end of the tank support bracket. It would also help to know what machine the engine is fitted to, one of us may be familiar with that particular set up. I’ve worked on dozens of 5hp 13 series horizontal crank BS engines but to be of specific assistance we need to know your application.
    Don’t write off the possibility that there may be someone not far from you who can help you. Have you joined the VHGMC, it may surprise you .


    i have taken 2 more photos, one of the throttle control where it connects with a spring to the governor arm but i have no idea of which hole, or if i need more than one spring.
    i could put the tank back on to show the position but if i did that, a photo would show nothing as you cannot see between the tank and the engine as the space between is very small, even taking a photo of the governor is practically impossible as you cant get the camera down to the governor arm

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