Reply To: Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on.

Home Forums The Machinery Forums Pedestrian operated machines Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on. Reply To: Howard 350 petrol cock stuck on.


I have had some of those taps and were alloy not Die-cast metal that can be very difficult sometimes as with age and what metal mix its made from on that day or even hour so can get very bad internal corrosion and expands, had some new 1940s carbs still in there original greased packages just a myriad of cracks, warming the stork a few times might help just be carful as the die-cast melts at a low temperature, and have shifted some frozen parts from carbs by boiling them in a saucepan with ordinary washing powder as it dissolves the old varnish left from the petrol.some I have welded (more like soldering than welding) with some special low temp rods and some leaded solders will work, messing with the 100+ year old of unobtainable parts some times a needs must and worked to save the day. or I make patterns and get them cast and machine or machine from the solid so its fit and forget.
