Subscriptions – Help & Info

VHGMC account members must be logged in to make a secure Paypal subscription payment. This way accounts will be automatically updated for another year making life a little easier for Charlie when doing subscriptions. Thank you. 

Note: We understand that some people may not wish to provide membership information online, in this case members can opt to make a postal application using a download PDF form which can be printed out and sent via ordinary postal mail to the membership secretary: Postal Membership Form We also remind users that the Terms & Conditions & GDPR statement regarding the website are available here

Logged in members can  pay their subscription here.  Please make sure you are logged in, top right corner of page, before clicking. 

In order to make a secure online payment NEW users can create an account and proceed through the payment process with Paypal to get a club subscription and delivery of ‘The Cultivator’ magazine through the post. An online account also enables members to use the forum, contact other members via private messaging, make contributions to the website and view all back issues of ‘The Cultivator ‘ magazine online.

Having problems logging in, passwords, or not being able to pay? Have a look at the FAQs below.

Payment problems (Buttons/options not showing): 

Q: I have tried paying but the subscription button I want isn’t showing or available. 

A: The following links will let you pay with Paypal: Pay a Single Subscription. Pay a Joint Subscription.

Registering an account: 

Q: I don’t have an account.

A: An account can be created online at the following link:  Create a new account. Please read the Privacy & Terms before registering. New members can also pay subscriptions when registering an account. 


Q: I tried to register an account but it says my email / username is already in use.

A: At a previous date you must have created an account, at last year’s renewals for instance? For security and anti-spam reasons the website only allows an email address to be registered once. Visit the following page Lost Password, fill in the email address you are trying to login with and you will be able to reset your password and login. 

Log In issues:

Q: I have forgotten my password and/or username 

A: Visit the following page Lost Password, fill in the email address you registered with (or username if known) and you will be able to reset your password and login. If this does not work, send your name and user ID with details of the problem to contact us here

Note: if a password set is requested via the above links and it doesn’t turn up, then please contact admin.

New members and 30 day trial subscription:

Q: I’m a trial / new member and cannot find the payment link to complete my new membership

A: New trial member accounts can be slightly different, please login then follow the following link to complete your registration and upgrade to a paid membership.

Any other problems? Please contact us here. A direct email from the website is better contact than a post on the forum. 

(Last updated 17/09/24 New prices and membership form v4)