To create an account and become a new member of the VHGMC where you can use the website and forum, please fill in your details using the secure form below.
All VHGMC accounts are manually created, and an admin member will send your login details via email.
You will need to provide your first and second names, your email address, and a chosen username that you would like to use on the forum and website. Your username can be anything you like and include your name or the machines you collect. Please note that some usernames may already be taken and we may amend a username choice by adding a suffix letter or number – John Smith may become JohnS etc.
If you are a VHGMC paid member (i.e. pay to get the club magazine by post and also the NFU insurance), then please provide your NFU/membership number if known as this will enable us to connect your accounts.
Once you have filled in the form then click the ‘Send’ button at the bottom left, and we will create your account. You will receive an email from ‘ Vintage Horticultural and Garden Machinery Club’, this one-time email will let you choose a secure password of your choice, and log in to your free account where you can use the forum etc. Please allow 24 hours for admin to process your registration.