John Rider
@wideattsgardener Active 1 year ago-
wideattsgardener posted an update 1 year ago
Hi Charlie any idea where I can get a villiers S12 carb for a villiers engine on a Howar. Bantam also will a carb off a. British seagull outboard fitted with a villiers engine fit
wideattsgardener posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
Wanted carburettor for a Howard Bantam fitted with an Amal Carb fitted to a Villiers c15 / M15 engine
wideattsgardener posted an update 2 years, 7 months ago
Please can anyone tell me what magneto coil I need for a 2 stroke Howard Bantam Rotovator with a Villiers 25c engine
wideattsgardener started the topic Piston in the forum Help and information 2 years, 8 months ago
I just bought a Howard 350 Rotovator there was no compression to guess valve Stu hoo removed plug to add SDme wd40 but whenI pull starter cord clutch and drive belt turn but piston remains stationary…..any ideas chaps
wideattsgardener replied to the topic 2 stroke Howard Bantam in the forum Groundcare Machinery 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi Charlie, thanks for your reply, it was silly of me to miss the absence of a sump so it is obviously a two stroke do you have any idea of the type and where I might find some info about it ?
wideattsgardener started the topic 2 stroke Howard Bantam in the forum Groundcare Machinery 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi All
I have just acquired a very old and very tatty little Howard Bantam,it seems all there but extremely rusty, just one question really it looks like it has a 2 stroke Villiers engine with the carburettor and exhaust on opposite sides of the cylinder head, we’re these engines fitted a standard or is it a 4 stroke in a different layout
John R…[
wideattsgardener started the topic Kohler flywheel in the forum Garden implements 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi all
I am building a spare engine for my Howard 300 which has a Kohler k91 engine, it is lacking a flywheel, there is currently one on eBay from a K141 will it fit my K91 ?
Thanks in advance -
wideattsgardener started the topic Norlett Beaver Spade in the forum Help and information 4 years, 7 months ago
Just bought a new addition to my collection of vintage rotovators ( I now have 8) does anyone have a manual for this machine and any idea where I can get new decals ?
Thank you -
wideattsgardener posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Hi everyone I have been given a very old push hoe with wooden handles, a single wheel and two hoe blades, it is marked Planet JL, does anyone have any idea of its age please ?
wideattsgardener posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Does anyone have or know of a Landmaster Gardenmaster 34 with a JAP engine for sale .
wideattsgardener started the topic Help missing part in the forum Help and information 5 years, 10 months ago
Hello all
I recently bought a landmaster (Gardenmaster 34) rotavator with a JAP 34cc 2 stroke engine, which was in a box and I was told it was complete. I have spent many hours cleaning, unseizing, stripping and buying manuals and recoil springs, I even had to get an engineering company to remove the rusted exhaust manifold and I have just…[Read more] -
wideattsgardener replied to the topic Landmaster 34 Rotovator in the forum Help and information 5 years, 10 months ago
That’s really kind of you thanks very much, I have started to strip and clean, I reckon it will take 6 months to bring it up to show condition, first problem was un-seizing the recoil started, the spring was shot so have sent for a Briggs one to reconfig…wish me lush !!!
wideattsgardener replied to the topic Landmaster 34 Rotovator in the forum Help and information 5 years, 10 months ago
Hi Charlie it says it’s a JAP S34 (34cc) the engine and it turns over fine by hand
wideattsgardener started the topic Landmaster 34 Rotovator in the forum Help and information 5 years, 10 months ago
I have just bought a Landmaster 34 Rotavator with a small 2 stroke JAP engine. The whole thing is in several pieces, can I buy a manual / workshop manual before I make a start. Thanks