Tractor and Machinery mag

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    Just received June issue of the cultivator,agree with comments re Tractor and Machinery mag finishing with the horticultural section.The main reason I took out a subscription was because of the inclusion of a horticultural section.I will not be re newing my subscription next time.It is not the first time that Kelsey have ruined a magazine content.I used to have Old Tractor Mag,when Stuart Gibbard was the editor,excellent magazine until it was re vamped,it became completely crap within one issue of the change,good job that we have the cultivator mag,Regards Dave Wayte


    ive stopped my subcription to


    yep me too


    I think you must realise that Kelsey are a purely commercial concern and their actions are finance led. If you look at the last few years at the number of “vintage” publications that have sprung up, merged, sold off or shut down etc it only relates to the financial overview and it must be extremely disappointing for truly enthusiast writers/contributors to these magazines.
    The opportunity for VHGMC , its members and the Cultivator is huge because we are a very broad church of enthusiasts not governed to the same extent by the same financial return on investment sought in these commercial companies.
    Also I think with the development of websites and similar instant information/communication must influence content within magazines.
    It is up for us members to contribute to The Cultivator and make it the magazine we want, we have been very lucky with editors and people making contributions in its development to date but why not write or put together a article/news report whatever. I have done the odd bit of writing, my English graduate daughter says my sintax is terrible but I just think it reflects the way I talk and think ,so do not think you cannot do it !!!
    If there is not a commercial magazine out there that covers our interest we have the opportunity to develop The Cultivator into something that does and the recent magazine bodes well for this.
    There was negative comment on the dropping of the Farm and Horticultural section on the Forum and in the Cultivator, being Positive what a WE the VHGMC membership going to do to remedy the situation and lift the load a bit on the excellent work carried out by our committee and editor.

    Joe Paget


    Joe some excellent words, this is a great opportunity for The Cultivator to be THE magazine for followers of our hobby and with very modest membership rates a better choice than the commercial magazines. As you say it does need club members to contribute.
    Allowing for the regular items that are in the magazine approximately 65 pages of content are needed each year to fill all the issues in a year (based on 6 issues a year). We have in excess of 700 members, if each one only contributed one A4 page we would have material for over 10 years issues!!!
    Many say they are not good at writing, as has been said before write it as you would speak it. This is what Maurice Saunders did with his excellent books about timber haulage eg Stories of Round Timer Haulage; Men Mud & Machines.
    If enough material, articles, show reports, auction reports and photos etc are sent in we could increase the number of pages from 16 to 20 or 24 even who knows.


    Well, I had a go at writing, and I’m still here to tell the tale! Thoroughly enjoyed it too. I reckon the “new look” Cultivator is great, and with members contributing could develop into a much better mag than the defunct competition because the words would be written by people who actually use the machines and/or were around when they were used originally, and not written by a journalist!

    Conratulations by the way to all involved in the magazine and the running of the club. I reckon you do a marvellous job, and we’re all grateful for the time you give up freely to make it all the success it is today.


    Latest T&M arrived today, lots about tractors and one article about Mayfields…

    Oh dear, must get that subscription cancelled…


    Smallholders Show report and photos emailed to Mr Editor this afternoon for The Cultivator, Alan was there so will no doubt have some more to add…


    May I say Mr Roat a fine article you wrote as well (thumbs up)


    Aw, shucks, thanks PM (turns red).
    Seriously though, it was fun to do and once you start the words just keep coming. I’d love to read some articles from members who are enthusiastic about our machines, we must know more about them than anyone else.


    The pool of knowledge within the club is vast and unfortunately some will be lost over time unless it is passed on, either by word of mouth or written down, (puts hand up with guilty look on face).

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