Love at first sight : Trusty Steed mk i (?) 1948

Home Forums General Help and information Love at first sight : Trusty Steed mk i (?) 1948

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  • #41604

    I stumbled upon one of these machines and, head-over-heels, i have bought it.
    Love is an irrational thing and i am not sure whether to ask if i have made a mistake. So, I have a couple of other questions to keep me distracted:

    • Is this the right forum for questions regarding this steed?
    • I would like to drive this across a (council) adopted and possibly some public roads. Is it easy to register/license it with the dvla? And what are the consequences of doing this?
    • Am I right that, being and sit-on-top, it is not covered by the NFU insurance? Advice of what insurance might be needed would be really helpful.
    • Where might I find replacement tyres?

    Many thanks for any help and advice. Very comforting to find this Club.



    Oh, and Merry Christmas. Looking forward to 2024!


    Welcome. Not quite the right forum, best place is
    To drive on public roads you will need to register the steed, should be tax and MoT exempt as it is over 40 years old so Historic Vehicle tax class, you will also need full RTA insurance. Any good insurer should be able to insure it, check out adverts in magazines such as Tractor and Machinery etc. Club forum member trusty220 is our Trusty expert.
    Obtaining a V5 should be possible, you will need proof of date of manufacture for age related plate and historic tax class.


    Thank you. Very helpful and I will shift this to the ride-on forum.


    Congratulations on your purchase and I’m sure you will not regret it in the coming years. The only thing people find now is that you get bitten by the bug and have to find it a housemate.

    If you let me know the serial number (on the back of the transmission case) and possibly the engine number I can give you an accurate date that it was sold from the factory. One or two pictures may also help and they would certainly be of interest to other forum members.

    It looks like you’re going to have a Happy New Year!


    Thank you.
    I fear that you are right about catching the bug. I think, however, that my wife might put some counter-measures in place!
    I am collecting the machine this weekend, so I will have more detail then. I wonder whether it is already known on the circuit? I will keep you posted.
    The number of replies that you post on this forum to questions on Trustys is very reassuring (as well, I am sure, to all the other proud owners).
    Happy New Year to you too, and I will try not to ask too many questions.


    It is always good to welcome a new recruit to our forum. Never be afraid to ask a question, no matter how trivial it may seem to you; we’ve all had to start somewhere and we have a host of people here with centuries of experience between us, so ask away.

    I’ve sent you a Private Message using the forum’s PM system. Click on your avatar (the photo on your posting) and it will take you to your private account.

    Happy New Year to everyone!

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