Lister d sucking exhaust port

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    Hi I am new to vhgmc so I don’t really know what I’m doing with this forum,

    I am a 14 year old boy and I have a Lister D which doesn’t run. I have recently found out that the exhaust port is sucking in air (So when I put my hand on the exhaust port it sucks then blows straight after) I came to the conclusion that it must be valve timing. I have a book about the lister d and I have to have the valve timing out a few teeth from the setting the books says, for there to be no sucking.

    What am I doing wrong or is there something else that can cause this to happen.

    I realise that this isn’t Garden or Horticultural but I thought someone might know what the problem is as I don’t really know what I’m talking about.
    Hopefully this makes sense.

    Thanks George.



    Maybe your exhaust valve is stuck open. (if it has valves.)


    Hi there,
    Thanks for your quick reply,
    Yes possibly although the valves seem to be operating well and there is plenty of compression.


    It definitely sounds like a valve problem. The best way to check if the valve timing is correct is to bring the piston up to TDC (Top Dead Centre) between the Exhaust Stroke and the Induction Stroke. The valves should be “on the rock”, where the exhaust valve has just closed and the inlet valve is just about to open. If the valves are doing anything else then move the camshaft around a few teeth until you get this condition.

    If they are “on the rock” at TDC then have a look at the valve seatings as the exhaust valve may not be sealing properly and allowing gases to leak past.


    Thanks for the reply
    Yes I will have a look when I get a chance
    Sorry for the very late reply

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