thanks wristpin i got that but when i search on b/s site its got the spring but not the rod and the spring dont look right in the picture if i have correct numbers maybe i can look on ebay
I don’t quite follow what you are saying. Is it that you can’t find the parts on the IPL or that having found them you can’t find them in the BS parts list. If the latter they are possibly obsolete. The problem with eBay for Briggs stuff is that the majority of obsolete parts hits are from the USA with heavy postage charges and all the hassle of Duty, Clearance and VAT. If you’ve identified the part numbers, try Jon Cruse at the Hailsham Mower Centre; he’s recently got me out of trouble with an obsolete BS Governor spring for a Hayterette.
Edit. I’ve had a look at the IPL and think that I can see the parts that I would describe as a Governor spring and rod. Possibly not on the page that you might expect.