Reply To: Trusty tractor info

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I have no idea of the model of Villiers engine fitted, Andy, as the company records don’t record it. All that appears is either “Blackburne” or “Villiers” in the respective column. The only survivor from the early days (so far) is my number 220 which has a Blackburne fitted, so it’s still a mystery to be solved.

If I was to hazard a guess I would say that it was probably of motorcycle origin.

Will- it’s good to hear Brian’s Trusty is still around and being shown. I still remember the only time I ever beat him at a ploughing match; he finished the opening and had it judged then couldn’t restart the Norton to carry on. He was in a hell of a sweat by the time I finished so, feeling sorry for him, I offered him the use of my JAP 6 powered 3-speed. He finished just in time and I ended up winning by one point- I think the judging was generous and probably reflected the unconventional way that Brian finished as I still think his plot looked better than mine! Happy days, RIP Brian.