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Dear Andy,
If the pump is causing the problem will get a new pattern diapham from China a £5.80p. Always fit a fuel filter to my working machines as a small bit of rust can come off the inside of the tank, rubber particles from pipes, even with E5 petrol and dirt from the petrol can when filling up. A local hire company always fit a fuel filter to their new plant.
Looked at an Irish lad on YouTube undo the bell housing. Jack on the rear, a trolly jack under the engine, disconnect the fuel pipe, throttle cable, kill switch wire, undo ten bolts and it easily pulls apart. As you say, a piece of cake. But he found the adaptor plate bearing had broken up, it rattled around and damaged the six pins. Have heard all sorts of tales of broken shafts, gearboxes and bearings on Gems.
Have limited use for the rotovator and indeed have a low opinion of them. They are good for chopping in the crop ready for ploughing, or preparing a seedbed when the soil conditions are just right. If used when its wet, they compress the soil structure, especially in our Evesham clay and any clods produced dry out to big hard lumps that you cannot get down. But the Gem looks like a good machine and with little work, can find a use for it. Got a Clifford Mk IV I want to restore if only because I like the colour and shape of the bonnet.