Today I met up with the gentleman I purchased my Rototiller 56 from way back in 2002. Shortly before Christmas he phoned me to say he had found something I should have; the original receipt for the Rototiller when his father bought it in 1954. The machine was originally sold in 1948.
What a wonderful bit of provenance to go with the machine. I can just about remember when receipts had to have a stamp on but can’t remember when that requirement ceased.
That’s a great piece of history Charlie. And in those days that was a lot of money!
I don’t have the receipt for mine, even though it was almost always in the family so to speak. However I do have my fathers receipt for the purchase new of a Morris Oxford in 1966 complete with stamp.
This is exactly the kind of paperwork that goes in the skip, so it’s quite a rare thing to see these days. These old letterheadings are a collector’s piece in their own right.
You look a little surprised on the photo, Charlie. Are you worried that someone may put a witty caption to it, or has someone just shouted over that it’s your round at the bar???
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