Briggs starter tabs

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    I’ve been replacing the plastic pulley and recoil spring on a horizontal crank Briggs engine. It’s the old type with metal tabs that bend over to retain the plastic pulley. Unfortunately, the tabs have broken off and I’m not able to keep the pulley held in the housing.

    I understand that aftermarket parts suppliers made plastic clips that held the pulley in place (see photos). Does anyone know where I could buy a pair of these?


    Have you tried Briggs Bits they have a link to send enquiries on their website


    Thanks Charlie – I hadn’t tried them, but have now been in touch and they can’t find a supplier of these parts. I assume there isn’t a great deal of demand for these parts nowadays and it’s no longer worth making them.

    I’ll have to get creative and make something


    Could you perhaps braze weld or solder some fresh tags on the side of the cowling using some soft steel, or if soldering perhaps some slaters copper strip.


    Thanks Chris, I’d been thinking I would mig weld some tabs on, but it doesn’t need the strength of a weld and soldering would allow me to use a lot less heat so that’s probably the way to go. I’ve never soldered steel before, but I can’t imagine it’s any different to soldering copper


    Very little difference except the Steel is a slower conductor of the heat, main problem might be the heat running away through the rest of the cowling,
    As usual cleanliness of the surfaces is very important, use plenty of flux. Will you use flame, electric iron or like me old fashioned fire irons?

    Like gas welding soldering is a lost art.


    My electric iron won’t be powerful enough to get it hot – I’d probably use a mapp torch that I’ve used for soldering copper pipe


    Hi I expect you have now got over your problem with the broken tabs on your Briggs starter by now, pity I haven’t been on the site for a few weeks or I would have replied I still have some of these tabs if you still need some.Regards Chris. tel 01983521634.

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