Barford Atom

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  • #10264

    I am thinking a Barford Atom or similar would be an ideal machine for ploughing my allotment, as it would fit nicely in my front garden (no rear access) and would go in my son-in-law’s trailer.

    Could anyone give me any pointers as to how much I could expect to pay for one c/w plough in good running order. Visual appearance not critical. Plus any quirks and foibles I should be aware of.

    I saw one sold recently on-line for £250 (with attachments) and there is one currently listed for £400.00 but, that one has no attachments and I think £400.00 is way too much.


    Just to add to the above. By similar, I mean any smallish pedestrian tractor that comes with attachments like a plough, ridger or hoe, possibly something like a Mayfield.


    The Barford Atom is a good simple machine, only problem I find is the lack of reverse gear can make it difficult to get out of a corner. As you say £400 sounds to much, £75-£150 I would say is more reasonable. A non runner could cost about £75-£100 for a new coil, points and condenser.

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