Allen Scythe info

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    Hey lawnmower gurus,

    Father returned home from an auction last month with an Allen Scythe – a T S model I think. There is no history, no paperwork nothing! The tyres have seen better days and I have had to cable tie the drive clutch lever up so I can attempt to manoeuvre it around before I get stuck on the flat spotted tyres! I have (after gallons of WD-40) managed to remove the spark plug. I have removed the hay barn out of the cylinder head,left 2 stroke mixture (heavy on oil as had no diesel) to soak the piston bore and finally got the engine to turn! Took a couple of days but the thing will happily turn by hand now.

    My question is: where can I get parts from? I have found a manual (shame it’s not like a Hayes workshop manual for cars) and a parts list…….only trouble is they’re ummmmm, a bit old!
    I definitely require a spark plug – what is the modern equivalent to a Lodge model cv? I think that’s what it says – it’s very damaged. I also need an h.t. lead as I don’t think a bit of electric fencing wire was the original part!

    The machine number is: R25879 . Any information for this would be brilliant – I think I have a TS model but I’m only going on images.

    Info, spark plug and h.t. lead please my lovelies

    Many thanks

    Participant have several parts, depends on what you are looking for, engine wise the same or Meetens at Preston who do excellent mail order


    Green Spark Plug Company will list alternative spark plugs. They also sell HT cable and terminals.
    The Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) at Reading hold the factory records which will give you date of machine.

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