1966.howard mini gapper and drill

Home Forums The Machinery Forums Ride-on machines 1966.howard mini gapper and drill

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    HI I have purchased the mini gapper that was found and restored in 1998 from ALAN WIKENS its a rare one because of its number and the seed drill .its been in the magazines and at NEWARK tractor show ,so hoping to take it therein NOVEMBER.I bought the whole package ..mini gapper .drill gapping discs and hoes plus purpose built trailer and fittings,have 2 original engines and spares.very pleased with my purchase ,had to go down toward HEATHROW to get it ,A long journey for me.had a great deal spent on it .new gears -hubs-gapping discs- engine and much more. I look foreward to showing it later this year—DOES THE CLUB HAVE ITS OWN stand at NEWARK tractor show ???.these were built to gap sugarbeet but used to hoe many other veg crops..


    DOES the club have its own stand at the NEWARK tractor show??


    I took the attached picture in 2014 at Newark of a Howard Mini-Gapper, Owned at the time by Mr. Mervyn Gathercole of Kings Lyn, Norfolk.

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