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Nice picture. This machine was introduced by Thomas Green of Leeds & London, known as a Greens Patent, also in the Patent it says Silens Messor (Silent running coming from the chain drive) The style of the chain drive on this machine depicts the Improvements which were added in 1862. From the picture it is difficult to work out the width of cut, but they were made in 3 sizes 24 – 26 and 30 inches to be pulled by a donkey.
Looking closely at the chain, its design is called inverted as there are forms of teeth which sits on the sprockets on the chain gear wheels.
By the 1870’s the design had altered again to what most people can recognize as a Green’s Silens Messor
Allowing for the history of photos, I would say the mower in the picture could have been 20 years old by the time the picture was taken