Reply To: Nickerson Turfmaster T84

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Back in the day when the Vanguard was currently fitted to the equipment that we were selling we would experience the very occasional strange ignition issues – not starting, running on one and even not turning off on one. I remember that these issues were the subject of one or more BS service bulletins and were usually sorted by the replacement of the ā€œdiode harnessā€ that connected the two ignition coils and prevented the them ā€œtalking / interferingā€ with each other. Failure of one or more diodes in the harness produced one or some of the strange symptoms listed above – frequently enough that we kept a new harness on the shelf for doing a quick diagnosis of any strange ignition issues.
As has been mention the Vanguard V twin was made in Japan – by Daihatsu I believe – and was, on the whole, a reliable sweet running engine but I guess, an expensive one to manufacture.