Reply To: Stoic land master

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Hello Jamie

Excellent that you have a Stoic in running condition and plan on keeping it going for the foreseeable future.

I have been playing around with a Stoic this weekend, it had been languishing under rubbish in a building for many years and I decided to bring it home and get it running. It has obviously been a council owned mowing machine due to a fleet number, it has been worked hard and, like many other Stoics, has obviously stood up to all that has been thrown at it – even though the 3.5 hp B&S engine has been cobbled together from three other engines through time! They seem to be tough machines.

I have another Stoic in bits that was dismantled by a previous owner, there are some wheels and various spares, but it’s 200 miles away at the farm. I can check next month when I’m there.