adam4472 replied to the topic October cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 3 months ago
Hi, yes that’s fine with me.
Adam -
adam4472 replied to the topic October cultivator in the forum General talk and discussion 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Hello Charlie, with regards to Peter Mitchell request on page 4 for information on Brown Jr, I have both a twin wheel and single wheel models,along with Planet Jr’s. Brown Jr were made by George Brown’s Implements Ltd of Victoria Ironworks, Leighton Buzzard, and were basically identical to Planet Jr, but in 1956 Brown’s were supplied with “Latest…[Read more]
adam4472 replied to the topic Barrow sprayer in the forum Help and information 11 months, 1 week ago
Hi, I’m in North Yorkshire, but got it from Retford, Nottinghamshire in 1999.
There are no identifying marks I can find, and as you pump the handle, it also operates a wooden paddle up and down to keep the spray mixed. -
adam4472 started the topic Barrow sprayer in the forum Help and information 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi,I’ve had this barrow sprayer for a few years, but I can’t find any marks as to maker,the tank holds approx 15 gallons.
adam4472 replied to the topic Barrow sprayer identity in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 4 years, 9 months ago
Hopefully the photos will be here this time
adam4472 started the topic Barrow sprayer identity in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 4 years, 9 months ago
I have had this sprayer for a few years, but can’t see any makers name on it. The tank holds around 15 gallons, i have made a spray lance for it, and it does work well. There is a wooden padle inside that keeps the mix agitated. Any ideas anyone?
adam4472 replied to the topic Push hoe identity in the forum Help and information 5 years, 6 months ago
Sorry, hopefully pictures load
adam4472 started the topic Push hoe identity in the forum Help and information 5 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I have just got this push hoe, looks a little like a Wrigley, but I don’t think it is a Wrigley! Any ideas anyone??
adam4472 replied to the topic Wright's implements in the forum Garden implements 8 years, 10 months ago
I was speaking to Steve Woollas at Epworth Festival of the Plough last Sept, and he said he had a copy of Wright’s catalogue, but don’t know what year it is from Will-Haggle.
adam4472 started the topic Wright's implements in the forum Garden implements 8 years, 12 months ago
I have just collected what seems to be the holey grail, it came with a handle all restored, the Small plough body for the Wright! Attached are some photos of it next to my Standard body.
adam4472 started the topic L.E. Toshi ltd Sprolley information. in the forum Help and information 9 years ago
I have just rescued/ purchased a Sprolley sprayer as seen in Brian Bell’s book 50 years of Garden machinery (colour image 22) and would like some operation information. Currently missing the tank, and original pneumatic back wheels, but have temporally fitted some spare wheelbarrow wheels.
adam4472 replied to the topic Anyone have any literature for F.J. Wright tools please? in the forum Help and information 9 years, 5 months ago
Is Jimbo still a member, if so, from the old forum tag would it be possible to obtain a copy of the leaflet you copied for Robdog 10 4 & Famers boy 2, or even from either of these members.
Thanks. Adam -
adam4472 started the topic Anyone have any literature for F.J. Wright tools please? in the forum Help and information 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi everyone, I have a few Wright’s of Holbeach hand tools, and wondered if anyone had any literature about the tools made, and if it would be possible to obtain a copy if so.
Thanks. Adam. -
adam4472 replied to the topic Ransomes MG5 – My latest project! in the forum Ride-on machines 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi, we have a MG5, 1949 petrol/TVO, with a small petrol tank mounted near the seat, inboard of the silencer, have seen some with the petrol tank mounted on the front of the engine cowel. We have not had ours running for a while and it also has the Amal carb like yours, it starts fairly easily, but doesn’t like running slow enough for clean gear…[Read more]
adam4472 started the topic F Wright hand tools in the forum General talk and discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
Does anyone have any information on the range of hand tools made by F Wright & Son of Holbeach?
My Grandad used to have a small body plough for use in strawberry rows when he had a smallholding at Walpole St Andrew, Norfolk, but have never seen one; I have a few different items of Wright’s and would love to know a bit more, I believe they…[Read more]
adam4472 started the topic Wright hand plough etc in the forum Garden implements 10 years, 4 months ago
I have a few Wright’s implements, plough, ridger, cultivators (fixed and adjustable), hoes (Duck foot and side) and wondered if anyone had information on all products by them?
My dad made one in 1968, as originals were getting hard to come by, with help from local blacksmith in Wisbech, Cambs, which we still have.
Last two photos show the r…[Read more]
adam4472 replied to the topic Hauck flame gun in the forum Garden implements 10 years, 4 months ago
Mine is more a mid/dark grey ( Wolesley engine/ Grey Fergi) if that’s any help?
adam4472 replied to the topic Hauck flame gun in the forum Garden implements 10 years, 4 months ago
Here are some hopefully better pictures of the transfer on my Haulk flame gun.
adam4472 replied to the topic Merry Tiller with F. Wright Plough in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 10 years, 4 months ago
Hello Steve, I have a few Wright’s implements, plough, ridger, cultivators (fixed and adjustable), hoes (Duck foot and side) and wondered if anyone had information on all products by them?
My dad made one in 1968, as originals were getting hard to come by, with help from local blacksmith in Wisbech, Cambs, which we still have.
adam4472 replied to the topic Flame gun in the forum Garden implements 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi just rescued this Sheen and trolley from the skip!
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