Identification needed

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    That title normally gets you all fired up for a challenge! This one’s a good one- I’ve been after an anvil for some time now and managed to buy one off that very expensive auction site. I could have had one before now but I didn’t want to pay £300 and a tankful of diesel to get it from the Outer Hebrides, so when this one came up in Hereford for £150, well it was too good to miss.

    It is a full sized one and weighs 2 cwt or just over by the feel of it. It is marked with various stampings such as “1859” which is obviously the date of manufacture, but some of the others may give a clue to where it came from. There is one with a capital B above another capital B, another with a crown, a jumble of letters that looks like FOR and lots of smaller marks that have been obliterated by hammering. Here are some pictures but note the square stake hole in the front near the beak, the standard stake hole at the rear and the round hole at the back as well.

    Any information anyone can throw into the pot would be most helpful.
    Thanks in anticipation,

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