properjob replied to the topic Tudor lawn edger mower in the forum Help and information 3 years, 5 months ago
Hi, thanks for the info…..not sure what best to do with it as I am trying to make space 😃
Thanks again -
properjob started the topic Tudor lawn edger mower in the forum Help and information 3 years, 5 months ago
Hi, can anyone tell me anything about this? What is it’s value? I’ve never seen anything like it: I was given it from a friends grandparents garage. Still works and cuts grass Many thanks
properjob replied to the topic Ransomes ramdozer bracket help please in the forum Ride-on machines 4 years, 5 months ago
Yes , if I remember correctly, the guy I bought it off had a mg2, so that would make sense.
I’m hoping Dave knows of someone that can send some photos and measurements so I can put it back correctly, rather than do my own thing.
If anyone can help it would be appreciated, many thanks -
properjob started the topic Ransomes ramdozer bracket help please in the forum Ride-on machines 4 years, 6 months ago
Hi, at long last I am planning to fit my ramdozer blade to my mg6, however when offering the rear bracket, it seems to have been modified to fit another crawler looking at the welds and angles, and nothing lining up. It looks like I have all the parts other than this being wrong. Does anyone have photos and measurements, along with guidance to…[Read more]
properjob replied to the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years ago
I’m a bit further forward, when you pull the lever forward, he lift mechanism locks in, partially lifting, and push the lever back a little, seems to lift fully locking on a pin.
Strangely I can only make it drop by rotating the wheels backwards, I’m sure this is not right or practical. Is the another spring or linkage to release it to drop?
Many thanks -
properjob replied to the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years ago
I think I’ve got things something like it but I’ve has to make /extend the shaft which possibly was located by a roll pin? I would need to know approx position as this part of the shaft was broken. There was also a spacer (that looks like threads), should this be there or further out as the bolt head rubs the casting, but this may be due to lin…[Read more]
properjob replied to the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years, 1 month ago
No great rush, I have the same space issue and my health isn’t favourable at the moment along with the wife earache 😄😂😂. Thanks again
properjob replied to the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years, 1 month ago
This is a great help.When you get chance the main frame will also be helpful as all I have is a pile of loose parts 😄
Thanks again -
properjob replied to the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years, 1 month ago
That would be great….I was beginning to think what I had was rarer than I thought 😀😀
If it’s easier, can you email i.dennis456@btinternet.com
Many thanks -
properjob started the topic Trusty Auto Lift Cultivator in the forum Pedestrian operated machines 7 years, 1 month ago
I have purchased an auto lift cultivated in lots of bits, so not sure if everything is there yet. I trying to work out the auto lift mechanism, where springs go etc, let alone the linkage set up.
Does anyone have such info or can take any photos of yours that may help me. I have lots of bits 😃
I have looked at as much as I can on line, but nothing…[Read more] -
properjob replied to the topic Xenoah G3C 2 stroke engine capacitor in the forum Help and information 7 years, 2 months ago
Thanks everyone, I tried Jon, eventually spoke to a lovely lady who said I had the wrong number, the correct number is 91323 842477. I’ve tried this several times with no reply, and the website seems to be down this morning.
Good idea about resoldering the bracket on another condenser, this will be my next option I think, but external could also b…[Read more] -
properjob replied to the topic Xenoah G3C 2 stroke engine capacitor in the forum Help and information 7 years, 2 months ago
That’s great, I will give them a call, many thanks
properjob started the topic Xenoah G3C 2 stroke engine capacitor in the forum Help and information 7 years, 2 months ago
Good evening, over the weekend I dug out my childhood 1970’s mountfield multitrim model 31 brushcutter, thinking of getting it going over the next few weeks. It unfortunately has no spark, on stripping found the capacitor to have gone, it looks unique with the lubrication pad and fittings lug. It is a xenoah G3C engine. I have hunted the usual p…[Read more]
properjob started the topic Xenoah G3C 2 stroke engine capacitor in the forum Help and information 7 years, 2 months ago
Good evening, over the weekend I dug out my childhood 1970’s mountfield multitrim model 31 brushcutter, thinking of getting it going over the next few weeks. It unfortunately has no spark, on stripping found the capacitor to have gone, it looks unique with the lubrication pad and fittings lug. It is a xenoah G3C engine. I have hunted the usual p…[Read more]