I have just obtained a greenhouse heater by P J Bryant
of Bristol. Can any member help me with any copies of instruction
books or advertising material. The heater is about 122 diameter
with two large copper tubes about 3 feet long across the top.
Quite a large item but defiantly of interest.
Cheers. Dave.
There are various online references to P. J. Bryant of Forest Road, Fishponds, Bristol from the 1950s to the 1980s. Some adverts also refer to pond heaters and equipment. I wonder if Bryant were a retailer selling rebranded items rather than a manufacturer?
Have recently acquired one from a nursery near exeter where they had still been using it
Seen here in it’s natural hunting ground, our potting shed on the nursery
An even larger one came to light recently, approx 5foot wide and 4 foot tall. One similar to mine for comparison. Sadly this time not added to the collection, although a few goodies were!
Would it be possible to you to sketch the metal frame with some dimensions for me.
My heater is the smaller of the two shown in your photos but I do not have the
framework to go with it.