Are Kelsey publishing about to kill off Tractor magazine?

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    Received my copy of Tractor and farming heritage yesterday only to discover that it as been taken over by Kelsey publishing. Does this mean this is the next magazine to be killed off?


    What will this mean for the Newark show in November?


    Hmmm, Perhaps Kelsey will drop Malvern as it’s the smaller or maybe keep both on. The latest news on the show website says see you in November 2015….


    That’s the problem when all the eggs end up in one big basket…


    Lets hope they keep the current format, as the content and items of interest are superior to T&M
    in my humble opinion, I know these mags need adverts but it is rather boring for regular readers to see the same old ads month after month!

    Let’s hope Tractor and farming heritage is able to survive.


    I am pleased to put an end to the rumours re Tractor World at Malvern, the show will go ahead as planned, Kelsey is only one of the show sponsors and remain fully committed. As I am in regular contact with the event organisers regarding the 80th anniversary display of MG tractors, I have direct confirmation that nothing will change. I am still looking for ITW and skimmer owners to come forward willing to display their machines.


    We are all questioning about tractor show in November on Newark show ground


    I am told that Newark is seen as the season closing show, Malvern the new start and plans are that both continue unchanged.


    The reason that the Newark Show was in question is because Morton’s Media ( and Tractor and Farming Heritage Magazine in particular) has always sponsored this show in November.
    Being a far larger show than Malvern it obviously has much greater costs associated with it, and with no sponsorship forthcoming from the usual place then it’s not unreasonable to ask if it will continue in the same format.
    I fear only time will tell….

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