I have recovered the remains of 2 Hoemate cultivators and need a copy of or an original manual. Can anyone help? The info I have is a 1/3 size photocopy but poor reproduction and incomplete. Thanks
I have a copy of the manual which I have scanned and can email a copy in pdf format to you if you can send me a private message with your email address.
I have got a Hoemate tractor and thinking about restoring it. I know nohitng about this machine so far, and now looking for a manual and any useful information. The only one I found yesterday, was 16-page manual for Plow-Mate (title attached).
Please help.
Hello Charlie,
I have received a notification of your reply in the email, thank you for that.
However, I cannot see the reply itself neither in the forum nor in the messages. The link from the message directs here.