Just applied for registration of a Wheelhorse tractor. Covid has put the brakes on everything and I’ve been waiting since April with no way of finding out whats going on.
Biggest issue is date of manufacture, they are really pedantic about that.
Also if it is an imported machine you will have to get a NOVA notification regarding VAT. Whether you imported it or not and no matter how long ago.
The process can be very slow at present due to impact of Covid19 restrictions on staffing levels. Having all the correct information is essential. They have tightened up since it was found someone was trying to pass off a car as a different (and more valuable) model.
Good luck with your application and please keep us updated with progress.
Good news, my V5 came through today.
In total it was about 4 months from first refused application, but the second upgraded application took 5 weeks which is just about pre covid timescale.
As I said, year of manufacture is critical and the NOVA declaration.
I put a really comprehensive information bundle together covering all the bases and negating any questions before they coukd be asked.
If you need any info on what I sent email me, mickseven9@yahoo.co.uk