Reply To: Trusty tractor info

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Thanks so much Geoff, I really do appreciate the time you must take in writing your replies. All very interesting stuff, thank you again.

The tractor I will be showing is a Norton, 14274 (on your register already – ex Brian Carter), it’s in very good condition and sounds wonderful. As far as I know it had lain unused for some years before I bought it so I was glad to get it up and running (very straightforward).

On a separate note I have today resurrected a long standing ‘dead’ machine – 14355, JAP5 engine, took me a solid day and a half, but all good fun and a good learning experience. I believe that the serial number dates it to 1952?

Will be buying both books.

Thank you!

  • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by will.
  • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by will.